Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cock Your Hat, Angles are Attitude!! ...Sinatra

  I adore the eye candy we call a "Hat"...My grandmother gave me many that now adorn my wall. As a young girl, I would climb to the top of her mothball scented closet, and pull out the fine printed boxes tinted yellow with age. Climbing on my sister's shoulders, I dangled with one hand on the shelf and the other on one of those exquisitely huge boxes. Suddenly, all of the boxes and hats would topple out like bubblegum in a dimestore machine, and we'd scrounge to capture them all . My sister and I would covertly peek around the corner to make sure Grandma was engrossed in her chores. Unless "Days of our Lives" was airing, she was working. She would be cooking summer dinner (in the South that's lunch) for 15 or more who were coming in from the field. While her hands were in the biscuit dough, our hands were in her white elbow gloves. We would tiptoe with our arms piled with boxes into her pink-tiled bathroom. After primping for hours and using all her Hairnet, we lustily layered on the rouge. Do ladies still apply rouge? AnyHoo, finally we paraded in front of her sink-to-ceiling mirror in her mink hat or her pinky-orange straw hat.  Those hats fit me perfectly back then, but as I grew so did my big noggin, and now I can't wear many of those daintly little hats that fit Grandma Reba Margaret. Thus they hang along with the ones I've collected in my bathroom reminding me of her each time I primp. Hats are still a passion. I wear them, buy them, paint, and photograph others in them.

Dearest Audrey could definately wear a hat.
Reminds me of grandmother's hats..Candy!!
 Hats are graceful, but the best hats sass. KSG*

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